
Backing Material Medium density PVC closed cell foam
Adhesive Type Acrylic
Density 176 kg/m3
Tensile Strength (ASTM D412) 345 kPa
Elongation (ASTM D412) 130%
Compression Deflection @25% (ASTM D1667) 34 kPa
Compression Set @25% (ASTM D1667) 17% loss from original height
Water Absorption 1.3%
Thermal Conductivity (K factor) (ASTM C518) 0.040 W/m K
Service Temperature -35°C to +90°C
Application Temperature +10°C to +45°C
Colour Available Black
THICKNESSES: 1.6mm / 3.2mm / 4.8mm / 6.4mm / 9.5mm
STORAGE: Cartons should be sealed and stored away from direct sunlight
at temperatures between 15°C to 30°C

- Excellent dimensionally stability and a cushion against heavier loads
- Foam density permits clean die cuts and fastener penetration. “Swirl free” foam won’t twist, move or displace when
penetrated by mechanical fasteners
- Polyester film prevents any tendency to stick to surfaces
- Completely seals out air, moisture and light when compressed at least 30%
- Resistant to fire, UV, fungi, weather, oxidation and most chemicals, acids and solvents
- RoHS compliant


  • Danco 78 Series Foam Tape Data Sheet